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Synthetic Vs Natural Nutrients

Synthetic Vs Natural Nutrients

There’s certainly a debate between whether synthetic nutrients provide the same benefits as natural nutrients. Some studies even conclude that synthetic nutrients could be dangerous. So before we dive into this debate, let’s first take a look at the differences between synthetic and natural nutrients.

Synthetic And Natural Nutrients, What’s The Difference?
When people think synthetic, they often think artificial, or fake. In a way that is correct. Synthetic nutrients are those that are made in an industrial process or a laboratory.

Many supplements that you find today are synthetic. Different vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and many other forms of supplements are often made artificially. You can ingest them in a variety of different ways.

And natural nutrients are those that aren’t made artificially. These nutrients are made from whole food sources.

The best way to figure out if what you’re taking is synthetic or natural is to check the label. If the nutrients are all listed individually, there’s a strong chance they’re synthetic. If you see 100 percent plant or animal-based then you’re looking at natural nutrients.

Is There A Major Difference Between The Two?
Chemically there isn’t a difference. The major difference, however, is the industrial process of making synthetic nutrients. You’re also dealing with ingesting these nutrients when they’re synthetic, giving your body extra chemicals to deal with which isn't necessary.

It isn’t easy to tell how well the body absorbs the nutrients when they come from a synthetic source. Whole foods offer additional compounds and when all of these are put together, we know that the body has a positive reaction to them.

Your best bet if you’re looking to get the most out of the nutrients is to get it from a natural source.

Synthetic Nutrients Can Have Benefits For Certain Groups Of People
It’s difficult to tell whether or not there are any benefits of synthetic nutrients for people in good-standing health, but there are potential benefits to certain groups.

Groups like the elderly who are at higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency, and vegans who miss out on nutrients produced from animals. Zinc, iron, B12, are some of these nutrients.

There can be benefits for those who are missing out on certain nutrients.

There Are Many Benefits To Nutrients In Whole Foods
While the studies are a little mixed when it comes to synthetic nutrients, there’s no denying that whole foods present a lot of health benefits.

They can help manage and prevent a wide variety of diseases that can cause early death. There are many different whole food groups that can help with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many more diseases.

Fruit and Vegetables- Many studies have shown that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables has proven benefits. Some of these include a lower risk of heart disease, brain disorders, and arthritis. They’re also linked with reducing stress.

Fish- High in omega-3 fatty acids, fish is great for preventing heart disease.

Nuts- Nuts are high in antioxidants. They are a great source of healthy fats as well, and they’re linked to preventing heart disease and diabetes.

Natural Is A Better Option, But Synthetic Can Still Be Beneficial

Natural nutrients are always a great option. They’re safer and the benefits are confirmed by many different studies. While synthetic nutrients also have benefits, there may be some negative side-effects to not getting your nutrients from a natural source.

However, synthetic nutrients can help those who have a deficiency with a certain vitamin. The elderly, pregnant women, vegetarians, and other groups could benefit from synthetic nutrients.